More On NCAA Outlawing Indian Names, Mascots

WASHINGTON ” The NCAA will prohibit college athletic teams that use American Indian images deemed “hostile or abusive “from hosting postseason events or displaying the symbols during championship competition. The policy, announced Friday, will affect at least 18 schools the…

Guest Bloggers?

While I’m away, I thought I’d ask for volunteers. If you have any opinions, thoughts, product reviews or whatever, feel free to sign up for a free account and submit your stories or just contact me. In the future I’d…

NJ Athletic Assn Official Quits

State athletic association official quits Associated Press DEMAREST, N.J. – A member of the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association’s executive committee has resigned amid questions about the group’s spending practices. Bert Ammerman, the longtime principal of Northern Valley High…

Rupp Rule Redefines NCAA Out-Of-Bounds

One of the new rules adopted by the NCAA Wrestling Rules Committee will change what consititutes a wrestler being out of bounds. The new rule will make the two-inch line which circles the mat and defines the wrestling area part…