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Mike Clayton’s Session6wrestling.com
West Point, NY – Have you ever wanted to know what it’s like to wrestle in
the championship round of the NCAA Division I wrestling tournament?
Brooklyn, Iowa native Mike Clayton may help you get there.
Clayton has recently started a company called Session6wrestling.com. As the
head assistant coach at West Point in New York, Clayton helped to coach
former Army standout Phillip Simpson at the 2005 NCAA Championships. Just
before Simpson’s championship match Clayton was looking at the bracket
sheets with the pairings listed on them. He noticed that the final session
of the tournament, Session 6, was the championship round. He recalls
thinking, “Every wrestler in the nation should be working to be in this
session, to be in the championships, to “Be in Session 6.”
The rest was a lot of time and effort to develop Session 6 into a real life
organization. September 1st is the scheduled release of his first product,
the Championship Training Log for Wrestling. The Championship Training Log,
or CTL, is a comprehensive five month log book that guides wrestlers of all
ages (youth through college) through a self-assessment test, goal setting,
positive mental affirmations, daily training logs, strength workbooks,
technique logs, opponent scouting sheets, contact logs and more!
“I’ve had the assistance of some of the greatest minds in college wrestling,
sports psychology and strength training help me develop this training tool.
It really helps you key in on the things you need to do to be your best,”
said Clayton. The book also helps develop wrestler’s organization and time
management skills. No doubt Mike’s Naval Academy education and business
training have helped lead to the disciplined approach.
Clayton has also developed the Championship Training Log into a “how to”
clinic and travels around the country teaching the art of the book. “I want
young people to start to study wrestling like they would study for the SAT
or any other important test in their life. I want them to learn how to
study their training habits and make effective and healthy changes in their
lifestyles. I hope they will really start to see how their body and mind
can work together to reap the positive benefits of the sport of wrestling!”
The Championship Training Log is also going to help a good cause. Clayton
is donating a portion of the profits to the International Wrestling
Institute and Museum in Newton, Iowa. “I want the book to be more than just
a product on my website. I want it to be a great training tool for wrestlers
but also use some of the revenue to help promote the history of our sport.”
Clayton helped the Army Wrestling Team earn a top 25 NCAA Division I ranking
last year as well as helping coach Phillip Simpson to an NCAA Runner-Up
finish in St. Louis.
For more information on the Championship Training Log or the CTL Clinics,
visit Mike on the web at www.Session6wrestling.com
Mike Clayton
Head Asst. Coach
US Military Academy