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Day-By-Day Schedule for US Wrestlers at 2005 Worlds
Gary Abbott/USA Wrestling
Under the new rules of international wrestling, each weight division is completed in one day. The World Wrestling Championships will be held in Budapest, Hungary from September 27 “October 2, with different divisions each day. Below is the schedule for each U.S. wrestler, as well as the day-by-day schedule of the Americans competing.
Men’s Freestyle Team
55 kg/121 lbs. “Sammie Henson, Flintstone, Ga. (Sunkist Kids) “Monday, Sept. 26
60 kg/132 lbs. “Michael Lightner, Norman, Okla. (Sunkist Kids) “Monday, Sept. 26
66 kg/145.5 lbs. “Chris Bono, Gilbert, Iowa (Sunkist Kids) “Monday, Sept. 26
74 kg/163 lbs. “Joe Williams, Ames, Iowa (Sunkist Kids) “Tuesday, Sept. 27
84 kg/185 lbs. “Mo Lawal, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Gator WC) “Tuesday, Sept. 27
96 kg/211.5 lbs. “Daniel Cormier, Stillwater, Okla. (Gator WC) “Tuesday, Sept. 27
120 kg/264.5 lbs. “Tolly Thompson, Cedar Falls, Iowa (Sunkist Kids) “Wednesday, Sept. 28
Women’s Freestyle Team
48 kg/105.5 lbs. “Jenny Wong, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Sunkist Kids) “Wednesday, Sept. 28
51 kg/112.25 lbs. “Stephanie Murata, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Sunkist Kids) “Wednesday, Sept. 28
55 kg/121 lbs. “Tina George, Colorado Springs, Colo. (U.S. Army) “Thursday, Sept. 29
59 kg/130 lbs. “Sally Roberts, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Gator WC) “Thursday, Sept. 29
63 kg/138.75 lbs. “Sara McMann, Iowa City, Iowa (Sunkist Kids) “Thursday, Sept. 29
67 kg/147.5 lbs. “Katie Downing, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Sunkist Kids) “Friday, Sept. 30
72 kg/158.5 lbs. “Iris Smith, Colorado Springs, Colo. (U.S. Army) “Friday, Sept. 30
Men’s Greco-Roman Team
55 kg/121 lbs. “Lindsey Durlacher, Colorado Springs, Colo. (New York AC) “Friday, Sept. 30
60 kg/132 lbs. ““Joe Warren, Colorado Springs, Colo. (New York AC) “Sunday, Oct. 2
66 kg/145.5 lbs. “Harry Lester, Akron, Ohio (USOEC/Gator WC) “Saturday, Oct. 1
74 kg/163 lbs. “T.C. Dantzler, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Gator WC) “Saturday, Oct. 1
84 kg/185 lbs. “Brad Vering, Colorado Springs, Colo. (New York AC) “Saturday, Oct. 1
96 kg/211.5 lbs. “Justin Ruiz, Colorado Springs, Colo. (New York AC) “Sunday, Oct. 2
120 kg/264.5 lbs. “Dremiel Byers, Colorado Springs, Colo. (U.S. Army) “Sunday, Oct. 2
Monday, September 26 “Sammie Henson (55 kg FS), Michael Lightner (60 kg FS), Chris Bono (66 kg FS)
Tuesday, September 27 “Joe Williams (74 kg FS), Mo Lawal (84 kg FS), Daniel Cormier (96 kg FS)
Wednesday, September 28 “Tolly Thompson (120 kg FS), Jenny Wong (48 kg W), Stephanie Murata (51 kg W)
Thursday, September 29 “Tina George (55 kg W), Sally Roberts (59 kg W), Sara McMann (63 kg W)
Friday, September 30 “Katie Downing (67 kg W), Iris Smith (72 kg W), Lindsey Durlacher (55 kg GR)
Saturday,October 1 “Harry Lester (66 kg GR), T.C. Dantzler (74 kg GR), Brad Vering (84 kg GR)
Sunday, October 2 “Joe Warren (60 kg GR), Justin Ruiz (96 kg GR), Dremiel Byers (120 kg GR)