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Sather Air Base Looking For Floor Mat Material
Derrick Gray is currently living at Sather Air Base, otherwise know as Baghdad International Airport in Iraq. He is in a small Army unit that resides and works there.
The Air Base recently built a new “Gym” to house the weight equipment, and various cardio machines they have recently purchased. In this new facility they left a sizeable area for aerobics, spin classes, ab classes and various martial art/combatives training classes.
They currently have 4 different martial arts classes composed mainly of BJJ and Krav Maga type classes. The problem they have is that the area is only covered by a .25 inch hard rubber mat over concrete and in the purchase plan the failed to leave out floor mat material.
He is wanting to see if anyone has a remnant piece or pieces they would be willing to donate. The area they are trying to cover is 30 ft by 30 ft and they wouldn’t expect any one company/person to donate that much material. However, if they are able to get a few companies/people to donate a little, they could piece together a nice place to practice their skills.
If you are able to support this, it would only be a matter of getting the mat to the nearest Air Force Base; he might even be able to arrange for it’s transport from the nearest civilian Airport. Once it gets to the AF Base, there wouldn’t be any shipping costs involved for you.
Any help or guidance you could provide would be more than appreciated.
If you have anything to donate, please contact WrestlingPod and we’ll put you in contact with Derrick Gray or you can email him at derrick.gray [.@.] bdab.centaf.af.mil (that email is spam protected so please remove the brackets and periods around the @ sign)