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On this day January.26th.1996 John DuPont murdered the great…
On this day January.26th.1996 John DuPont murdered the great DAVE SHULTZ.. Today is the 19th year anniversary of the TRAGIC murder !! In my opinion the worlds best freestyle wrestler ever! And also was know off the mat for being just as good of a Man, Father, Husband, Brother, Friend #DaveSchultz #theGOAT #Wrestling #WrestlingIsLife #USAwrestling #OlympicChampion my heart is with @olympicchamp84 and Daves family today ! @usawrestling #foxcatcher #wrestlingstrong #brothers #Dave and Mark #fuckJohnDupont #rip???? Dec 2010 Greatest month and year of all time #greatestmonthyear #alltime #december #2010 #doingthecrime #doingsometime #WRESTLINGPROBLEMS #WRESTLINGPROB #WRESTLINGRESPECT #WRESTLINGPRIME #WRESTLINGSTRONG via excelsior145