I’ve always loved this picture, even if I lost a big match, because everybody’s face tells a story. Me: I remember looking at the clock exhausted and realizing, at that very moment, that I was about to lose. Him: I just went through hell and now I’m holding on for dear life. The girls in the back: We’re just so glad we came… #tbt #eyessayitall #highschool #wrestling #lightweights #varsity #captain #senioryear #singlet #stud #glorydays #allleague #champion #fighter #kingspark #kingsmen #kppride #maroonandwhite #longislandwrestling #saveolympicwrestling #onceyouvewrestledeverythingelseinlifeiseasy via fuf_daddy

Amateur Wrestling news, gear and photos from the side of the mat.

Amateur Wrestling news, gear and photos from the side of the mat.