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Message From Toby Willis RE RealProWrestling Fire/Delay
Toby Willis, one of the founders of Real Pro Wrestling, posted this message to TheMat International forum a few days ago. (I just found it.) It offers an explanation as to the possible cause of the fire, and plans for the future.
Can’t spend too much time here now, but as many know, I visit these forums regularly. My family is okay, that’s what is important. As for RPW, half the Season One tapes were destroyed in the fire. However, being an IT man with a Y2K mentality, I had backups made. Most of our data survived by various means. We dodged a huge, huge bullet.
Investigators today determined the fire was caused by a central air/electric heater system and not by a criminal act of anyone. Insurance investigators may be able to find out more info. We’ll see. The heater system in question was not in operation and was not even suppose to be hooked up to electricity. Puzzling. I’ve got some hard questions for my HVAC man.
In short, the world’s hardest task just got tougher. Meanwhile I’m living with my folks in their 900 square foot house with my beautiful pregnant wife and eight kids. Everything will work out.
God protected my family and my business. I’m sure He has some master plan why this will work out for the good. Hard to see it now, but he has a great track record. This is not the first time I or other people have faced hard times and it may not be my last. Even if I had lost family or RPW, I am convinced by history and reason God has a good reason for what he does.
Who am I to complain to my maker? Who am I to say what is good or just or fair? All the world is His stage and we are the actors. My story will not be a tragedy and I wish instead it could be some heroic thriller. However, many times I feel trapped in a comedy that doesn’t feel too funny to me. Especially not at this moment.