

Can’t Pin Carson Fields

By BILL MURPHY The Times Flowery Branch’s Carson Fields could hear the excitement from his Team Georgia teammates. And he knew exactly why they were cheering. His opponent could only imagine the mistake he had just made. Fields, 16, was…

The Oklahoman: Mocco Tackles New Role

By Jenni Carlson The Oklahoman STILLWATER – Steve Mocco has worn Oklahoma State orange time and again. Never, though, quite like this. The wrestling stud is playing football for the Cowboys. You read right. Mocco, a two-time NCAA heavyweight wrestling…

Tom Cruise, Dirty Wrestler??

Tom’s wrestling tricks revealed Indo-Asian News Service Actor Tom Cruise reportedly played dirty when he used to wrestle for his high school in New Jersey. According to, a former wrestler from a rival school said: “Even then everybody knew…

Zavada Keeps Busy with Summer Wrestling

By Jamie Rankin DAILY COURIER At this time of year when many other teens are playing baseball and softball, or they’re just taking advantage of the summer break, Matt Zavada is wrestling. Zavada, of Dunbar, will begin his junior year…

OCU wrestling program finds home in former church

By Leslie Berger Communciations & Marketing Writer Oklahoma City University wrestling coach Archie Randall began preparing for the school’s new wrestling program in February, but until this summer, he wasn’t sure where the team was going to practice. After renovations…