

Wrestling parents sue league

ids suspended. Couple seeks injunction against BTAA. Wednesday, February 01, 206 By PRECIOUS PETTY The Express-Times EASTON | A Bethlehem Township couple is suing a youth sports league for suspending their sons from one of its wrestling teams last month…

NMAA Sued Over Wrestling Weight System

Kristin Hoke, WPBF Anchor ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The Espanola school district is suing the New Mexico Activities Association. Espanola officials allege the organization’s weight classification system for wrestlers left its athletes at a disadvantage. State District Judge Daniel Sanchez granted…

Coach alters attitudes in the wrestling room

Terry Steiner works at breaking down barriers as USA Wrestling’s national women’s coach MOLLY BLUE FOREST GROVE — Wrestling rooms are sweltering, the hotter the better. The walls are padded, and mats line the floor. Typically, they are places where…

Off The Mat w/Michigan’s Mark Moos

As many Michigan wrestling fans can attest, senior/junior Mark Moos is pretty good at making the most out of some awkward-looking situations. In a position where any other collegiate wrestler may find himself in a heap of trouble, the Wolverine…

Ware vs. Gallick: A classic match

Top two grapplers in nation at 141 pounds battled for the seventh time Saturday at the Field House. by Robert Przybylo Though built as a team matchup, the wrestling world had its eyes on only one match when Iowa State…