

CA to have Girl’s wrestling tournaments

OAKLAND ” As expected, the CIF Federated Council voted Friday to go ahead with high school girls regional open wrestling tournaments beginning in January. The two-day, double-elimination events ” one held in the north and the other in the south…

Ask The Professor – Cael Sanderson

QUESTION: What do you think helps make a good wrestler become great? – Aaron J. (IA) CAEL: “I think a key (maybe the key) to becoming a great wrestler is by making a TOTAL commitment to your goals. A total…

One-on-One With Scott Casber of Takedown Radio recently went one-on-one with Casber to discuss the past, present, and future of Takedown Wrestling Radio. Talk about the history of Takedown Wrestling Radio. When did it start? And how did the idea come about? Casber: It started six…

Drawing the Fine Line on Stem Cell Research

By DAVID W. CHEN Published: October 26, 2005 “Carl, “a 30-second commercial from United States Senator Jon S. Corzine, the Democratic candidate for governor of New Jersey, began running on Monday on cable and network television stations in Philadelphia and…

Cowboys Wrestling Practice Heats Up

Ben Elder Sports Editor As the weather gets colder in Stillwater, the heat of the wrestling room approaches a championship level, leaving egos and sweaty bodies aiming in one direction: an NCAA National Championship. For 10 lucky starters, the most…

Indiana Hoosier All-Americans, 1940

Throughout the season, will take wrestling fans back in time into the rich past of IU Wrestling. Since the beginning of the program in 1909, the Hoosiers have produced one National Championship (1931), 10 NCAA Champions (Last: Joe Dubuque,…