Category Amateur Wrestling

Cael’s Streak In Danger? Weekly College Recap1/10/2005John Fuller Cael’s Streak in Jeopardy?Last week, we spoke of the longest Division I win streak in the nation, but this week, we will speak of the longest winning streak in the nation. Marcus LeVesseur of Augsburg…

NWHOF Medal of Courage for Kyle Maynard

Kyle Maynard to receive Medal of Courage from the National Wrestling Hall of Fame1/10/2005Gary Abbott/USA Wrestling Kyle Maynard of Georgia, an inspiring young wrestler who has overcome a challenging physical disability and has received considerable national recognition, will receive the…

No.9 Iowa Beats Aggie Wrestlers 26-9; Bear Upends No.2 Bradley To Highight UC Davis A record crowd of 5,150 sees storied Hawkeye program battle UC Davis; Aggies earn three wins Jan. 9, 2005 Final Stats DAVIS, Calif. – UC Davis…

Simley Wins Rotary for Wounded Marine

From the Bismarck (ND) Tribune Simley wins Rotary for wounded MarineBy STEVE THOMAS, Bismarck Tribune “Kyle “was the simple message on the socks of the Simley High School wrestling team this weekend. And it was Kyle Anderson that they carried…