Category Amateur Wrestling

Cornhuskers Shuck Golden Gophers 21-12

Cornhuskers Shuck Golden Gophers 21-12Location: Lincoln, NE1/4/2005 Starting Weight Class: 141 WeightWinning WreslterWin TypeLosing WrestlerScore 125Keller, Matt(Nebraska )DECDomingues, Andrew(Minnesota )8-1 133Reiter, Mack(Minnesota )DECMoyer, Dominick(Nebraska )6-3 141Murray, Matt(Nebraska )DECRivera, Manuel(Minnesota )8-2 149Schlatter, C.P.(Minnesota )DECNedens, Chris(Nebraska )4-2 157Wright, B.J.(Nebraska )FALLLentz, Nik(Minnesota )2:01…

Troy Nickerson Makes His Choice…

Troy Nickerson Verbally Commits to Cornell 1/4/2005 1:50:00 PM And the winner in the Troy Nickerson sweepstakes is”¦ Cornell University After months of speculation and an intense recruiting process, the Chenango Forks, New York wrestling sensation announced at a press…