Category Amateur Wrestling

Stars Come Out At Midlands

From the Evanston (Illinois) Review, the host city for the Midlands…Stars come out at MidlandsBY JIM COFFMAN STAFF WRITER Story Link Want to wrestle in the Olympics some day? Or maybe star on Monday Night Football? Northwestern’s venerable Midlands wrestling…

Minnesota Headlines 2004 Southern Scuffle Minnesota Headlines 2004 Southern Scuffle Printer Friendly Version Email this article 12/23/2004 11:23:00 AM Big Ten and National Power Brings Name Recognition To Growing Tournament By Anthony Maggio “Staff Writer Please send comments, questions or replies to: [email protected] Think…

Fire Burns Inside Brad Vering

FEATURE: Fire burns inside Brad Vering, who is going full-speed ahead into the new Olympic cycle12/22/2004Gary Abbott/USA Wrestling The 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece did not quite go the way that Brad Vering of the New York AC…

College Sports Council Files Suit Against GAO

College Sports Council Charges GAO with accounting ethics violations12/22/2004Eric Pearson/College Sports Council WASHINGTON, D.C. “On Monday, December 20, the College Sports Council (CSC) filed suit in federal court against the Government Accountability Office (GAO), charging the Comptroller General David M.…