Category Amateur Wrestling

Hunger strike until wrestling is popular

310000000020041216172852E0.html Former S. Korean Wrestling Champion Announces Switch to K-1 Choi Hong-manBy Yang Te-sam SEOUL, Dec. 16 (Yonhap) — Choi Hong-man, an ex-champion of “Ssirum, ” Korean traditional wrestling, announced Thursday his decision to join the Japanese ring sport…

Iowa Wrestling Complex “Among The Best”

Iowa wrestling complex among the bestBy Nick Richards – The Daily IowanPublished: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 Before you enter the Dan Gable Wrestling Complex, images of him shouting instructions grace the wall, along with posters of Iowa’s dominant wrestling teams…

Q&A: Bobby Douglas Discusses New Book

Q and A with Bobby Douglas Coach Douglas discusses his newest book and the second-ranked Cyclone wrestling team. Â, Dec. 14, 2004 AMES, Iowa – Iowa State head wrestling coach Bobby Douglas recently finished writing his latest book “The Last…

Grapplers Have To Wrestle With Quite A Bit

From the News-Herald of NE Ohio newsid=13548831&BRD=1698&PAG=461&dept_id=21848&rfi=6 These guys have to wrestle with quite a bitJohn Kampf12/14/2004 The words hit me like a body slam last weekend at the Ironman Wrestling Tournament at Walsh Jesuit.“When he gets used to…

Friendly AND Ferocious

Exeter = author John Irving’s alma mater From the Hampton (NH) Winnacunnet’s Colin Sullivan (top) maneuvers around Exeter’s CurtisHennessey in a 215-pound contest at Saturday’s dual quad-meet inHampton. Friendly and ferocious – Wrestling coach likes what he sees againstExeter…